Some of you already know that in addition to writing this page, I am now one-fifth of the team at The Cub Reporter.
If you're reading this, there is a nearly 100% likelihood that you're familiar with TCR. But if you're not, click here and see where all the cool kids hang out.
I have been pleasantly shocked at the number of people who have found their way here, particularly those people are neither related to me nor friends of mine for at least 20 years.
For now, I am hoping to be a steady contributor to The Cub Reporter and keep this site going with original, sarcasm-laden content. If something were to make that impossible--the need for REM sleep, for example--I would be disappointed. Anyway, that's the plan at the moment.
(I guess I raised a few hackles earlier today at TCR when I referred to Rupert Murdoch as Satan and the devil. You're certainly invited to read the piece at The Cub Reporter and share your opinion.)