...shouldn't be mocking anyone else who is obviously starved for an idea.
But even after yesterday's feeble excuse for a creative thought, I can't help but mock one of the Cub blogosphere's favorite targets, Carrie Muskat, and some of her most recent output at cubs.com.
When a story begins, "Andy Pafko turns 86 in February..." you know you're in for a bumpy ride. It gets worse, as Carrie feels compelled to explain the origin of the Billy Goat Curse and point out that it's been a really, really long time since the Cubs won the World Series. Also, she quotes a 10-year-old and dredges up a bunch of John McDonough's deep thoughts from BACK IN OCTOBER(!), when McDonough was named Interim-Until-The-Team-Is-Sold-To-An-Owner-Who-Knows-Better President.
I hesitate to mess with the Enemies Of The Blog List since the season hasn't even started, but Carrie M., you're in my crosshairs.
Not all of the Cub reading today was so unsatisfying, however. Though it seems like just yesterday I was making light of the January Vineline, the February issue has now hit the streets...or at least the table in the lobby of my office from which I stole it on the way home this evening.
To be honest, I have always thought Vineline is more than respectable as far as house organs go. It's beautifully produced and a couple times, I've come across comments that could be construed as being critical of the team which the magazine is supposed to be pumping up.
This new issue focuses on the "Class of '07" and features brief profiles and ratings ("Best Pitching Mechanics"--'05 draft choice, RHP Scott Taylor; "Best Plate Discipline"--Class A outfielder Sam Fuld) of 50 Cub minor leaguers.
Jim McArdle, Vineline editor, writes about the Cubs' centerfield vacancy. As of mid-January, when the piece was written, McArdle was "uneasy" about an outfield with Murton in left, Jones in center, and Soriano in right. The thought of Soriano in center must be giving him dry heaves.
All in all, I think Vineline is $3.00 well spent.
Especially if you can steal it from your office.
BY THE WAY YOU CAN ALSO VISIT MY BLOG AT www.danilomalaga.blogspot.com
Glad you enjoy the site. Hope you keep coming back.
I'm so excited that Danilo from the Phillipines has become a big AHundredNextYears fan. However, I'll bet it's just an alias for the Axe Man.
-- DJ