In a celebration of circular reasoning, the Hall of Fame is touting the Veterans Committee's non-election of any old-timers this year as validation of the baseball writers not having elected any of these same players when they came before the writers.

That's the third time in a row the ex-player-dominated committee has seen fit to add no one to their club. So much for righting the wrongs of the past.

Ron Santo deserved to be voted into the Hall by the writers, and he deserves to be voted in by the Veterans Committee, though under current rules, there is no chance of that happening before 2009.

If you've forgotten what an insufferable ass Joe Morgan is, you'll find a reminder here as he discusses the vote. In related news, Joe has earned his way onto the Enemies Of The Blog list; in fact, he's in line for the first-ever Lifetime Listing.

I hope to give him a proper send-up later in the week.


  1. -SHOTGUN- said...
    Joe Morgan has always been an ass.Moreso when the Cubs or their players are concerned.I remember him dogging on Ryne Sandburg at times possibly out of jealousy.Pretty much all I remember of Morgan`s playing days was that stupid elbow flap he would always do at the plate in hopes of distracting the pitcher.Face it he needed all the help he could get.I hate his lame commentary too.
    Cubnut said...
    Welcome, Shotgun. I couldn't agree more--Morgan embarrasses himself every time he opens his mouth.

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